Like Pulling Teeth

So I went to the dentist this week.  It was a trip that I could easily say I was not looking forward to, but nonetheless, I went.  It was time to finally get my wisdom teeth removed at the ripe age of 26. 

On a side note, I think I finally understand why they’re referred to as Wisdom Teeth.  I think it’s because the moment you finally decide it’s a good idea to get them surgically ripped out of your mouth is the moment that you’ve lost your damn mind……and all those people that found a way to avoid that dreadful trip to the dentist are basically wise little Yoda’s…

Needless to say, everything about the dentist trip sucked; The waiting room, the House and Home magazine in the waiting room, the drooling, the procedure, and especially the night after.  I was miserable.  I was whiney (I mean like 3 year old whiney) and to top it all off – real food was not an option.  And that’s where my wife comes in.  

You see, unfortunately the world doesn’t stop when you’re not at your best.  Kids still need bathes, infants still cry, and dinner still has to be made.  And not only did my wife Woman-Up and take on the night and kids alone, but she fetched me a smoothie, and I loved it!

Don’t take for granted all of the small things your significant other does on a day-to-day basis.  Let’s not neglect all the people in our lives that are willing to pick up the slack on our bad days.  Because there will be bad days.  And it’s the effort of those around us and the simple gestures of love that will pull us through.  

Show some love to your smoothie fetcher!

 Have a great day, 

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